Experiential – Outdoor – Adventure – Field Education for Schools
Schools can benefit from outdoor, adventure and field education trips, as they provide a unique opportunity to learn beyond the classroom. Through our experiential learning-based trips, we help schools promote physical activity, environmental awareness and personal development to their students in an engaging, safe and fun way.
Experiential Education is the use of outdoor, adventure and nature experiences for education and development purposes. Experiential education broadly includes programs that are designed around the concepts of environmental education, conservation education, adventure education, value education, life skills, outdoor camping, wilderness therapy that help students learn, understand and relate to the real world.
Our Experiential and Outdoor Education Methodology comes from globally used evidence based approaches on outdoor and experiential education.
The Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle, learning styles, educator profiling and outdoor facilitation guides our design and delivery of our programs to make them meaningful and long lasting impact on the students.
Experiential, Outdoor and Adventure and Travel Education program for Schools
Outlife Experiential Education Programs are specifically designed and tailored for the participants aged 6 to 17 years based on their recreational, learning and development needs. Programs include the principles of experiential, outdoor and adventure education to facilitate the overall development of knowledge, character, personality and life skills.
We offer programs to schools, colleges, and universities from 6 years onwards to young adults aged 17 years. Our programs include outdoor learning, team building, adventure camps to adventure sports.
The programs are designed to introduce the school students to real world through experiential learning methods, leading to a meaningful experiences, reflection, self-discovery and character development. Our school educational trips are a combination of travel, adventure, nature, service, learning. The school programmes include variety of outdoor educational activities such as easy trekking, kayaking, rock climbing, cycling, wildlife safaris, outdoor skills, nature education and community service.
We also have expertise in delivering school curriculum and subjects through experiential education pedagogy. We design and deliver programs for IB and Cambridge Schools that takes care of the CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) Programme Requirements.
We design and deliver Outdoor, Adventure and Travel Expeditions and Field Trips based on the requirements of various various national and international programs for Youth.
Our Camp locations are on the outskirts of Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune and Kolkata

Our Guiding Principles
Experiential, Outdoors, Adventure and camping Experiences comprise of challenging experiences, both physical and emotional, which lead to new awareness, sensitivity and understanding in the students. In an outdoor camp, learners set out to explore the unknown as a team and in the process rediscover and re-connect with self and the world around developing Intrapersonal, interpersonal, ekistic and ecosystemic relationships.
The important aspect of the experiential education camp is the element of curiosity and creative anxiety at every step. Therefore, it helps the learner experience and understand how he/she navigates the unknown challenge and further develops his/her capacity to become self reliant, independent, confident and caring.